
BENA Introduction

Incorporated in 2017, BENA’s existence is to respond to real demand for survivability and development of Vietnam subcontractors, suppliers and their customers.

BENA is building a foundation and provide platform for knowledge sharing of world class good practices, essentials and lessons learnt in spend management; provide quick list of eligible sources, and procurement related services.

BENA deliver those with our experience and expertise gained in world class environment, our excellent partners, our compliance to the code of conduct, and our goodwill to serve this country civilization.

Mission statement

BENA is a facilitator for stellar enterprises in Vietnam private sectors to short cut learning period during development by applying real concept of procurement management. This is achievable through:

  • knowledge sharing and internet of things,
  • closing gaps  of buyer procurement,
  • closing gaps of sub-contractor/supplier via competitive bidding,
  • adding values to project and operations management.

Uphold value

We do the best to uphold fairness, transparency, competitiveness and professionalism.

Code of conduct

This code of conduct (COC) is the commitment by BENA personnel and engaged partners (BENA personnel) to serve BENA mission in an ethical and professional manner, to protect the public in general, the client in particular as well as reputation for BENA…Read more

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